Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (2011)



ここでは、 アニメ 「 Sekaiichi Hatsukoi 」のあらゆる種類の名言・名台詞を紹介しています。他にも面白い名言・名台詞があれば、それぞれのキャラクターのプロフィールにある入力フォームを使って自由に追加してください。
  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en If I give my best and am told that I’m useless, then that’s my own fault. But being considered useless, without having even tried, is something I can’t allow.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Since then… I’ve started to think… about things with the worst case outcome first. By doing so, even if you did get hurt a little bit, it wouldn’t end up being a lasting wound.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en My heart was beating so fast, that one heart wasn’t enough.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I was desperately trying to contain it, but it was in vain. I love you, I love you, I love you.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en The only thing I can hear is the rain pounding on the pavement, and my racing heart beat.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en The more my father helps me out, the more I realize that I have no ability of my own.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Back then, I looked up all the books he read, and checked them out. There were all sorts of books. Books I liked and books I didn’t care for at all. It made me happy to think we shared the same space… in the world of these books. Even though that’s all it was, that alone made me so happy.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I’ve got to get a best-seller out and shut up those people who keep saying I’m only riding on my father’s success!

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Today is the one day of the year… that everyone in the editorial department wears a suit.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en If it was easy to gain confidence in my situation, I would have done it ages ago.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I won’t tell him. I won’t tell him that in my whole life, nobody’s ever made my heart race like this. It hurts too much to say it.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en It seems they have a passion for shoujo manga. Passion? Yeah, passionate indeed.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Anyway, we’re both men, so what can you possibly expect out of this?!

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Why do his hands embrace me so gently?

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I’d decided to keep everything locked away in my heart. Yet, as soon as he was in front of me, all my feelings poured out of me.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I wanted to work with literature. All I want to do is make books that people will want to treasure.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en And even though it’s a manga, should the main character be allowed to reach happiness so quickly?

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Back then, everything was so pure. And now, ten years later… At age 25, I, Ritsu Onodera, have become a totally jaded adult.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Loving someone means entrusting all of yourself to that person.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en I’m going to become the best manga editor anyone’s ever seen! And then you can kiss your job goodbye!

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en Maybe it would be just like in the mangas. I’d tell him I love him and then we cut to the happy ending.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en It’s not like I’m pessimistic or anything… I’m just moving forward without looking back.

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en God, my face hurts from forcing smiles all night…

  • Ritsu ONODERA
    Ritsu ONODERA

    en No. This isn’t love. Who could possibly fall in love with such a guy twice?

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en Sometimes I think delinquents are people… Who still have hope that things still can get better if they just put up a SOS sign. But I don’t even have the will to lift that sign anymore.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en When I’m shown something so pure and innocent, I’m forced to see the filthy part of myself even more and it pisses me off.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I don’t know what you’re aiming at, but you can’t expect to be perfect right off the bat. You have to build up your confidence… by achieving small tasks one by one.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en Stay out of it, noob.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I’m not your mom!

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en Meeting you for the first time in ten years, I couldn’t believe that someone who used to be so naive… could turn into someone this rebellious.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en You can confess your feelings to me any time. So when you want to, just let me know.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I don’t want anything to be hidden. I want to know everything about you.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en You’re the best coworker and friend I could ask for. But… you’ve got no business butting into my love life.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en No matter who I was with, I could never forget you.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I’m going to make you say you love me again. Just you wait.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en You know… You like me more than you think you do.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I knew that it was pointless to hope for anything. I was so apathetic because of this sort of upbringing.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve met you before, but I can’t remember where.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en You’re not the first person I went out with… But you’re my first love.

  • Masamune TAKANO
    Masamune TAKANO

    en How much more love do you need for you to accept me?

  • Chiaki YOSHINO
    Chiaki YOSHINO

    en If it’s healing he wants, am I not enough?

  • Chiaki YOSHINO
    Chiaki YOSHINO

    en Maybe friends really can’t become lovers…

  • Yoshiyuki HATORI
    Yoshiyuki HATORI

    en I don’t want you to let other guys touch you.

  • Yoshiyuki HATORI
    Yoshiyuki HATORI

    en Then… I’ll give you myself.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en My problem is probably that I don’t have any confidence about anything I do. Even if the thing I want most is right in front of me, I can’t help but imagine a future where I’m being rejected by it. I’m scared of getting hurt, so I run away from the people I love. What a good-for-nothing loser.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en Love in real life isn’t as smooth as in manga.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en There are guys out there who are just like those prince-like dudes in shoujo manga. They’re surrounded by sparkles and flowers. I hate these flashy guys, and yet… And yet I love… his face.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en He may be good at his job, but he freaks me out!

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en It was love at first sight. But we have no connection, beyond that of a customer and a cashier.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en I guess this is what they call… first love.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en Love at first sight works well enough in a manga, but this is reality.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en But then, as my career progressed, and I got to know more and more people from this industry, I realized that I was a normal person. It’s not that I can’t do my job, but I’m not anything special either.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en I know that a short, old man who’s into beautiful guys… can’t expect to experience real romance. That’s why I’m only looking.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en But the more you work on something, the more neglected you become.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en Since he’s always so understanding, I can’t help but have… things like ‘Maybe he doesn’t even like me that much’ cross my mind.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en I’d be the first one to ask why he chose me.

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en In any case, I really need to stop… falling in love with people based on looks alone. But what can I do when he’s perfect?

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en I can’t take his beauty when I’m this worn out…

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en Actually, being washed away might not be so bad. Sometimes… I feel like I’m just sinking…

  • Shouta KISA
    Shouta KISA

    en Why do I always do this? I fall in love with someone, then I get all these and then I feel brokenhearted. And It’s always my fault.

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